Monday, July 6, 2009

Sarah Palin's Resignation as Governor of Alaska

On Friday, Sarah Palin shocked quite a few people by formally resigning from her position as Governor of Alaska. Citing personal reasons, Palin gave up her position in a similar fashion to her resignation from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) in 2004. When Palin resigned from AOGCC in 2004, the move helped launch her into a larger political spotlight.

Although Palin ran on a populist platform for Governor, and held extremely high approval ratings (generally in the 80s) for the beginning of her tenure as Governor, her popularity took a nosedive after her VP candidacy in the 2008 Presidential election. Democrats accused her of no longer working with them, and Republicans felt as alienated as well. Palin's approval ratings after the '08 election dropped into the 50s and never fully recovered.

The best take on why Palin may have done this is from TIME:

1) This resignation is a mirror of her move in 2004 with AOGCC
2) She no longer has bi-partisan support
3) She has introduced almost no bills, and only one made it to becoming law
4) Her national publicity has waned since the election, and this is to remind America of Sarah Palin
5) The enormous cost of defending herself against ethics violations is not worth being in office for.

Follow up below to read TIME's full article.

Sources & Reading

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